The public discussion on the construction of Laflora wind farm has been completed

On 25 January at 4:00 pm a remote public discussion meeting was held on the construction of Laflora wind farm.

The participants of the meeting were introduced to the concept of the proposed wind farm and the results of the environmental impact assessment. Despite the fact that the meeting took place remotely, all participants had the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers about both the planned wind farm and the related changes in the environment. Most of the issues were related to Laflora’s own idea and its implementation, costs, investment, as well as the creation of new jobs due to the construction of the wind farm. The residents were also interested in other benefits that the transfer of ideas to life will bring to Jelgava City and Region. Many also supported the idea at the meeting, and citizens acknowledged the need to promote the production of energy from renewable sources. Some of the questions were related to the spatial plan of Jelgava Region and the fact, whether the construction of such a wind farm is planned in it. Residents living near the planned park wanted to know more and receive explanations about the changes that could affect their health and living environment after the construction of the park. The discussions mostly involved the noise generated by the wind farm, the flicker effect, emergency response, the quality of mobile communications, as well as the impact of the idea on the real estate market value. Citizens were concerned about whether the promised mitigation measures would be implemented.

Uldis Ameriks, Chairman of SIA Laflora Board responded to the concerns of the residents, acknowledging that any safety and environmental aspects related to the construction of the wind farm will first affect the company employees, who work and will work there on a daily basis, therefore special attention has been paid to the safety and environmental quality already since the beginning of the idea planning. This also applies to issues that affect the safety and well-being of people living in the area, as SIA Laflora aims to be a good neighbour in the future.  “The wind farm is only the first step to tidy up the entire 760 ha area. We will continue to inform the population about all plans, as it has been so far. The development of this area is not only related to the wind farm, but also to the overall vision of Laflora – a green industrial area, which includes the construction of greenhouses, forest plantations, innovative production facilities, which will create new jobs measured in several decades – it would be a universal use of the area and a kind of unique example.”

“Any populated area is part of a particular municipality and is part of a region that is part of a country, and the country is part of Europe, which in turn is part of the global system. In the long-term strategy of Latvia for 2030, the main goal in the energy sector is to ensure the energy independence of the country. The development program of Jelgava Region plans to form the basis for sustainable and balanced growth of the territory of the region. After getting acquainted with such a carefully developed business plan, it must be concluded that the operation of such a green industrial zone will allow the development of sustainable business in Jelgava region and the entire Zemgale District. Increase in the competitiveness of companies due to lower energy costs will create new sustainable jobs in the long run,” said Līga Lonerte, Executive Director of Jelgava Municipality, acknowledging that the business idea is carefully developed and the wind farm concept in Jelgava Region is one of the most environmentally friendly, geographically convenient and unpretentious solutions that could indeed implement alternative energy in a way that is acceptable to all parties involved. “This business project could become a significant growth potential at the regional and – I dare to say – the Latvian and the European level, both in terms of using energy to develop new business types and forms, and creating a very attractive investment platform for other entrepreneurs,” said Līga Lonerte, inviting to make and accept important decisions that would be a great contribution to Jelgava Region and Latvia.

Gunita Osīte, Head of Jelgava City Development and Urban Planning Department, admitted that Jelgava city is following the development of this project with great interest: “Our plans for the creation of green industrial zones also began to emerge in direct relation to the intention in the neighbourhood. Jelgava City Municipality welcomes the intention of SIA Laflora to establish a wind farm in Jelgava region.” G. Osīte also emphasized that the establishment of a wind farm on the outskirts of the city opens up opportunities for climate-neutral industry, as well as for the development of Jelgava City and Region and the entire Zemgale District, which will affect the economy of Latvia as a whole. “The city of Jelgava sees an opportunity to use its energy produced in the park to create its own green industrial zone in the north-western part of the city, which is intended for manufacturing companies with high energy capacity, helping them to integrate renewable energy into their production processes,” said Gunita Osīte.

Information about the idea

In the wind farm at Kaigu Peat Bog, the total area of which is 760 ha, it is planned to terminate the extraction of energy peat in the area of 450 ha (the remaining energy peat stock reaches 890 000 m3). The produced green energy, which is a renewable resource, will be used both for Laflora own consumption in the production plant of peat products and substrates and for the technological processes, as well as for ensuring the functionality of the future green industrial zone in the Kaigu Bog. The wind farm is planned in the entire area of the bog – both where the extraction of energy peat has been terminated and where the extraction of horticultural peat will continue, after the gradual termination of which, the territories will be re-cultivated.

The park will have the latest generation of wind turbines with the maximum height of 247 m. The wind farm will produce 300 000 MWh of electricity per year, which can provide 5% of the total electricity consumption in Latvia per year. The total economy of carbon emissions from Laflora green energy by 2050 would be more than 2.8 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

About SIA Laflora

  • Operating in the Kaigu Bog of Jelgava Region for 25 years
  • Manages peat bogs in the area of 1993 ha
  • One of the largest peat extraction and processing companies in Latvia
  • Employs about 250 local residents
  • Produces peat substrates for horticulture, forestry and agriculture
  • Turnover in 2020: 22 million euros
  • Paid in taxes in 2020: EUR 3.4 million;
  • Wind farm investments: 120 million euros

The public discussion on the construction of Laflora wind farm takes place until 15 February 2021. It is possible to get acquainted to the environmental impact assessment report and its summary on the company website: Wind farm.
