
Responsible peatland management

Laflora ensures a complete cycle of peat extraction and processing—from preparing the peat extraction sites, extracting peat, and processing it into high-value horticulture products to the long-term development or recultivation of the land.

This approach allows the quality control and promotes sustainability at all stages, in line with European Union guidelines and regulations aimed at achieving climate neutrality, as well as environmental, social responsibility, and good corporate governance practices.

Laflora's goal is to move towards scientifically proven climate neutrality by 2050 by reducing and offsetting emissions generated during peat extraction and processing. To achieve this, Laflora:

  • Performs sustainable peat extraction and processing. Learn more.
  • Conducts scientific research on innovative peat products, recultivation methods, and extraction and processing technologies. Learn more.
  • Implements a recultivation program in peat extraction areas where peat extraction is completed. Learn more.
  • Plans renewable energy production in a wind-solar park at Kaigu Bog. Learn more.
  • Initiates research on the restoration of natural peatlands and the creation of carbon sinks to reduce impacts on biodiversity. Learn more.
  • Participates in various international sustainability projects. Learn more.
  • Develops a strategy for achieving climate neutrality in collaboration with Riga Technical University.
  • Scientifically determines Laflora's CO2 footprint.