

Laflora is one of the largest peat extraction and processing companies in Latvia, producing peat substrates for horticulture, forestry, and agriculture since 1995.

The company ensures a full cycle of peat extraction and processing – from extraction sites preparation, peat extraction, and processing into high-value-added products to long-term land development or recultivation.

This allows control over quality and promotes sustainability at all stages, adhering to European Union guidelines and regulations towards climate neutrality, as well as environmental, social responsibility, and good corporate governance practices.

Laflora ensures stable long-term availability of peat resources, extracting an average of 115 thousand tons of peat annually. 

Laflora extracts peat from 2059 hectares in three bogs:

  • Kaigu bog in Jelgava municipality, 888 ha, private property
  • Drabiņu bog in Jelgava municipality, 863 ha, private property
  • Nīcgales bog in Augšdaugava municipality, 308 ha, leased area

The extracted peat is processed into high-quality peat substrates and products at Laflora's peat production facility in Jelgava municipality. The peat substrates and products are used for growing vegetables, tree seedlings, and ornamental plants both in Latvia and abroad.

Approximately 90% of the produced goods are exported to more than 40 countries worldwide.

Peat substrates and products are prepared according to formulas developed by the Institute of Biology at the University of Latvia or customized to individual client recipes depending on the crop being grown. Learn more.

"We are proud of the available high-quality peat resources in the long run, the preparation of high-quality extraction sites, highly developed infrastructure, modern production facilities, and quality control at all stages of production."

Uldis Ameriks, Chairman of the Board of Laflora

After the completion of peat extraction, Laflora carries out land recultivation, having already implemented a recultivation program over an area of 200 hectares in the Kaigu peat bog.

To implement renewable energy projects, Laflora has established a subsidiary, 'Laflora Energy', which is developing Laflora's wind-solar park in the Kaigu peat bog in Jelgava municipality.