
Recultivation program

Laflora implements a recultivation program for the further use of former peat extraction fields at Kaigu Bog in Jelgava Municipality, where peat extraction has been completed. The recultivation program covers more than 200 hectares to mitigate and partially compensate for the emissions generated during peat extraction and processing.

In collaboration with Latvian scientists, the company has implemented various recultivation methods, including:

  • Establishing pine plantations for forest growth
  • Cultivating lingonberries
  • Growing rhododendrons, heathers and sedges (Rhododendron tomentosum)
  • Beekeeping
  • Cultivating sphagnum moss and other paludicultures
  • Growing highbush blueberries and large cranberries
  • The next phase in Laflora's recultivation program is the establishment of a wind-solar park and a green industrial zone at Kaigu Bog. This will play a significant role in the climate-neutral development of both the company and the entire Zemgale region.