Laflora to Commence Construction of Wind Park and Development of Green Industrial Area in Kaigu Bog

Laflora Energy, a subsidiary of a leading peat extraction and processing company Laflora, is developing a wind park project in Kaigu bog, Jelgava municipality, and has been purchased by Latvenergo. The construction of the wind park, with a total capacity of 108.8 MW, will begin this month and continue to be managed by Laflora. The estimated construction costs of the wind park are planned to be approximately 185 million euros.  Electricity production scheduled to start in June 2026.

The wind park is being built on former peat extraction sites in Kaigu bog, ensuring their reclamation. The park will feature 16 of the most advanced Nordex wind turbines in the Baltics, each with a capacity of 6.8 MW and standing at a height of 266.5 m. Annually, the wind park will generate more than 350 GWh of electricity, equivalent to approximately 5% of Latvia's total annual electricity consumption.

Mārtiņš Čakste, Chairman of the Board of Latvenergo said, “The top priorities in Latvenergo's  growth strategy are increasing the value of this state-owned enterprise and stimulating the growth of Latvia's households and businesses. As a leading energy company, we can achieve these goals by significantly expanding our electricity generation capacity.”

Uldis Ameriks, Chairman of the Board of Laflora added, “The deal with Latvenergo is a significant step in implementing Laflora's sustainable business strategy. Renewable energy is essential for developing Laflora’s green industrial area, where we aim to engage sectors focused on the circular economy and high added value, fostering both green growth and helping Laflora and the country meet climate neutrality goals.”

Viktors Valainis, Minister of Economics of Latvia said, “I am pleased with this project for several reasons: first, a renewable energy plant of this scale will have a positive impact on electricity prices. Second, it is an excellent example of resource synergy across industries. Third, this wind park project is being developed in a traditionally industrial and economically active region of Latvia, where reliable electricity supply is crucial for other business sectors.”

A National Project

The Laflora wind park is a Latvian project in the renewable energy sector, developed by Laflora, a leading peat extraction and processing company, on its own land in collaboration with local wind park developer Windy. The wind park’s owner is state-owned company Latvenergo, and all infrastructure construction will be carried out by Latvian construction company UPB Nams. The turbine towers will be partially manufactured in Latvia, with two-thirds of each tower composed of reinforced concrete.

Aleksejs Mitušovs, Head of Windy said, “We are pleased to have adapted quickly to changing market conditions and upgraded the project with the most efficient turbines available. It’s especially gratifying that part of the turbine production will take place in Latvia. With the involved contractors, we are confident we can complete the project in record time.”

The wind park will use innovative hybrid tower technology from the German company Nordex, combining reinforced concrete and metal. Compared to steel towers, this design reduces the carbon footprint by nearly 40%. For the first time, the reinforced concrete tower sections will be manufactured in Latvia by Nordex’s local partner, Consolis Latvia, significantly contributing to the national economy.

Kaspars Rožkalns, Chairman of the Board of UPB Nams added, “This is a highly complex project with significant challenges, such as the wind park’s turbines reaching a height of 266.5 meters—twice the height of the St. Peter’s Church tower. Nonetheless, this is a great opportunity to demonstrate our expertise in both design and construction, providing a full-cycle service. We are proud to be part of this important project, which will enhance Latvia's energy independence, crucial for our economic growth and security.”

Laflora’s Green Industrial Area in Kaigu Bog

Once the wind park is operational, Laflora will purchase part of the renewable energy for the development of its green industrial area in Kaigu bog. This 127-hectare area will be gradually developed over the next decade, enabling Laflora to offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated in peat extraction and processing, in line with the company’s climate neutrality strategy by 2050. This opportunity will also be available to other high-emitting companies operating in the industrial zone.

About Laflora

Laflora is one of Latvia's largest peat extraction and processing companies. Since 1995, it has produced peat substrates for horticulture, agriculture, and forestry, exporting products to more than 40 countries worldwide. The company extracts peat from three bogs covering a total area of 2,059 hectares, including the Drabiņu and Kaigu bogs in Jelgava municipality, which are the two largest and owned by Laflora. The company employs over 300 people across Latvia's regions, with a turnover of €28.6 million and €4.8 million paid in taxes in 2023. For more information, visit

About Windy

Windy is a Latvian wind park developer, bringing together specialists with over 15 years of experience in wind turbine operations, energy, and civil construction. With expertise gained across the world, Windy implements the best solutions for projects in Latvia. The company is developing several wind park projects with a total capacity of 298 MW, the largest and most recognized of which is the Laflora wind park. For more information, visit

For additional information, please contact: Anda Zakenfelde, Head of Communications at Laflora 
Phone: +371 26539348